I'm so excited, I found the cutest little boy yesterday at the mall, and he let me take his photo. As soon as I got up at 7am I started on Terrence. I hope he turns out the way I want. I also got the photo of Amber, from Banana Republic.... On another note, I'm going to be able to get my remaining canvases for the sale price, 50% off, at Michaels, by special ordering them as a "raincheck" from their sale. I'll need 70 more, so I'm REALLY committed then!!! That's still a lot of cash, so this next semester My Biggest Chore is to TAKE WONDERFUL PHOTOS so that I can have them to paint !! Gotta have the references First. Big Challenge I've put before myself, but , it's also pretty invigorating. When my daughter starts processing her photos, I'm sure there will be lots of them I can paint, too----wow wow wow wow--can't wait!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Eric's eyes are actually blue, so this is it! You've finally seen the last of him, HOORAY !
It will take me an hour to clean all these brushes, YUCK- but, gotta get ready for going back to school next week !!!
Yesterday, while shopping at Banana Republic, I saw the prettiest salesgirl working behind the counter. I couldn't help asking her if I might make her portrait, so I will be getting over there later to get a few pictures, since I didn't have my camera, like I usually do.... I really think she could make a great portrait, at least I hope I can!
Here's Eric, he's kinda giving me fits because of the coloring. I've added much more of the red to his skin color, so he looks more alive.. The portraits that are the easiest for me are the ones with the strong facial features to work with....
Today Georgia and Bob came to visit. We had great pizza and then the boys watched Mizzou play in a bowl game, while we made another trek to Goodwill, and found some goodies, again. A trip to Shop at the Mall, and then home again. We'll go out for sushi in a bit. !!!! The latest on Eric---
I painted just a bit on Claudia this morning. Still not convinced about the eyes, Anyway, I was wondering what all you guys out there THINK!! When I was working on LISA, I stopped mid-way and posted a picture, and I really liked the way it resembled her, even though it wasn't finished..... I then finished her, and re-posted.... I liked the unfinished version better. Maybe I lost the spontanaiety or freshness by finishing the hair... well,,, I don't want to do that with Claudia... Should I say "finished" ?? Tell me what YOU think. thanks in advance. sandy
Here are two new portraits I started this morning. They are done in the first stage, which is thinned down terre verte oil.... Both Eric, and Claudia are my beginning art students, and both came and asked me if they could be included in my 100 portraits, and pose for me. Let's see if I can get them to have "likenesses" and finish them before this Christmas break is over. Gotta go run errands, like get a new cell phone. Yesterday was a fun time at the St. Louis Art Museum with my sis. We saw a fantastic exhibit from the remote islands north and east of Australia. People have been living there, completely isolated from the rest of the world for thousands of years. Their art showed such sense of perfect balance, symmetry, and composition. We learned much about their beliefs and the symbolism in their headdresses, and the many carved wooden artifacts. Their main "theme" seemed to be the struggle between life and death. Also, many references were made to a "white skinned cannibal" whom they depicted in sculptural pieces worn for ceremonies and plays of some sort. Unfortunately, after the show leaves here, it is only headed to Paris for a stint on display, and then all these wonderful pieces go back into storage, where they have been for a long period of time- what a shame they are NOT on display somewhere. THEY WERE AMAZING !!! I only wish my daughter could have seen them, but she won't be back in town until Feb. !, and if she saw all this cool stuff, she'd be wanting to visit there!!!
Yesterday, a trip to Goodwill gained me a bunch of books to alter ( for my next semesters, Applied Design Class) I also found a darling little server, similar to the one I have, which I painted with a black oil based enamel to give it that "Pottery Barn" look. Anyway, I found a friend of mine there at Goodwill, and we had fun looking together, and I used her cell phone to call my daughter-in-law, who has been looking for a piece to put in her diningroom to store some wedding gifts, and her jadeite dishes. It was a bit pricey, at 200., but there was a sign by the checkout- 50% off on furniture,IF you take it home with you today. Long story short, they came with her dad's big suv and really thought the piece had potential for them. I volunteered to help them paint, since Di di is pregnant, and can't deal with the fumes and such. I'll post a finished product when we get it done. Hooray for bargain-hunting!! Here's how far I've gotten with Darijan's portrait. Still have a way to go- for that "likeness" that I'm trying for.
Today was Christmas. Jim, Ted and Diane celebrated at our house with us. We had a nice dinner and opened some presents, and played with the 2 dogs, as they took turns grabbing the play toys from one another. They got along better today than they have in the past, and Castor is calming down a bit, which is a blessing..... We missed our Buffy!!
I was able to get a good start on Ashley's pic. Ashley is one of the most darling students, and her most endearing characteristic is that she doesn't know how beautiful she is. This, of course, makes her all the prettier, and sweeter. Her two best friends are Lisa, and Mary, whom you have seen portraits of.
Our daughter Tracey called at 7am to say Merry Christmas from Cambodia. She is at the ancient temple site of Anghor Wat, an amazing Buddhist site of hundreds of temples and stone sculptures deep in the jungle which were overgrown with foliage, and then when rediscovered, brought back to almost original splendor. Now as a very huge tourist destination, thousands of people go there to view the temples and watch the sunrise and sunsets. Tracey has been on a 4 month photographic pilgrimage, and has had some incredible experiences, and met some amazing people. She will return to the states in about 3 weeks or so. I'll be so glad to get her back, and hear and see all the things she has done!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas- at least in the diningroom, where the table is covered with presents to wrap, but find BOXES for them first. ! I can't paint today. I'll just keep telling myself that! I'm going to coffee with a neighbor this morning- it's a monthly thing- then it's Finish the buying and Wrapping, NO MORE TIME
Last night we had dinner at a new restaurant in Kirkwood with some friends. It used to be a furniture store, converted to a restaurant, and it goes on forever. Huge. We caught up on some stuff, and that was fun. Today WRAp, WRAP,WRAP, and buy a few things that I forgot. Oh yes, food for Christmas Day, too. We have stollen from Schnucks every Christmas morning, If I forget to buy it I'm in big trouble. Happy Christmas to you......
The Completed Mary, except for the hightlights in her eyes, which I must put in after the iris' dry a little bit..... Finishing a portrait, for me, is like finishing a book. I don't want the enjoyment to end, it's somehow hard to part with the experience. Oh well, just thought I'd pass along that thought. Gotta get out there and finish my Christmas shopping, it's already after 12:00 !!
Mary is so beautiful, physically and spiritually. She wears the Amish attire for her mother. They left the Amish community, and no longer practice the Amish ways. She is also very bright, and is a junior at our school.
Since I was off school today I was able to get some shopping, visiting with my sister, AND a painting almost done, too. Hooray.. Here's how far I got on Angela, one of our English teachers. She always has a smile on her face.....
My students started Altered Books the first day of the semester. They learned many techniques, formats, collage skills, etc. along the way. They turned them in for their final time and here are some pages to enjoy.....
This colored pencil drawing is done on a spray background. I learned the technique from my favorite art teacher, Alan Handler, at Webster University when I was getting my masters in 1991. !!!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Here's the final Janet-
Two days of finals and the semester is already OVER !! Hopefully there will be time to paint during the 2 week Break!!yeah!!!
Just couldn't resist, since I had Janet's pic started. I should be grading papers, since finals start tomorrow. Always waiting til the last minute- I'll never change!!
I thought maybe the likeness I got with Lisa was a "fluke", so I was apprehensive about trying to do it again. Actually, by looking at the first painting, I was able to get a better likeness with the second. Here's the finished second painting.....
Janet- here's her stage #1-- Janet and her friend did two Vietnamese dances for the global coffeehouse. Janet is such a doll!!
Since Lisa's parents want to buy her portrait, I've given it quite a bit of thought. They haven't even officially seen the portrait in person, they are going by the internet image, and word of mouth from people who came to the art show at school. I thought I'd go after that "likeness" again, well, here goes.........
By the way, the Global Coffeehouse was held at our high school Thursday nite, and was a great success with food, entertainment, and booths set up complete with all kinds of native wares from over 22 countries from which we have students. The art show featured works by our students, related to other cultures, as well as teacher's work. My portraits hung in groups of three from pillars in the upper commons with all the gallery of works. It was fun and exciting for me for everyone to view my work.
Now THAT'S more like it.... After changing the color and darkening the shadows, hubby Buster's suggestions, with shapes and highlights ,were beneficial.
always good to get a new "eye" and a fresh perspective, after working so long on the same painting. Thanks, Bus...
I was taken by this picture from a magazine of this girl from a Slavic country, with her babushka...She's done in colored pencil.In this version, she's not quite finished.... I did finish her, but didn't get another picture.
NO Power, after the Ice Storm... We're at Ted and Diane's house tonight, They were nice enough to have pity on us,we're been the last 2 days with no power, so, No HEAT..
We had a roaring fire in the fireplace, and managed to heat water for tea, with a sterno and a saucepan balanced on top of two small metal loafpans. Doing without surely makes one Creative!!!!!! I was determined to work on an oil painting, so went down to my studio, in the basement, and had enough light to sort of see what I was doing. It eventually got too cold, though, so I brought my canvas and paints upstairs where I had a bit more light. I'm pretty sure the painting is done, its one of my students, Alyssa. I can't post it yet because I've got to get on my computer and upload the pic..
Right now I'm on Teddy's laptop, and I kinda like it. It has no mouse, and it takes a little getting used to.
Their house is so cute, and they have done so much, I'll have to take some current pictures and post them, too...