Saturday, June 30, 2007

Hi all, from MEXICO........ I wasn´t able to post, cause the keyboards here are different, and I couldn´t get the "@" to work...... Anywho, there will be lots of pictures coming soon, and I will be nursing my hubby back to health, he suffered from a kidney stone, something QUITE new for him, while I was gone.!!!!!
We are this afternoon sitting in an internet cafe in a small town called HOLBOX on an island, on the northernmost edge of the Yucatan Peninsula. We had an incredible day swimming with the whale sharks,(tuberon billena) as well as the Mantarays, which are about 10 feet across !!!!! INCREDIBLE !! What a Day...........
This trip has been utterly amazing in lots of ways !! More to come, soon...

1 comment:

Mary Timme said...

/What adventures you've had. I love the swimming with whale sharks, but am so sorry for your hubby. Ouch! She said in sysmathy.