Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Rockin Girl Blogger Award- The Graeser Girls

My darling sister has nominated me for the "Rockin Girl Blogger" award- That sweetie !

I'm not much for "surfin the net" looking for blogs, but I'm required, as an award recipient, to post blogs that others can visit and find interesting and inspirational... WELL, I've gone to some and they are so amazing... I feel that my feeble little images and posts look rather "sad", but oh well, anyway, here are a couple that I was totally enamored with: http://www.tatterededge.blogspot.com and http://www.pamgarrison.typepad.com

also http://www.somethingsublime.typepad.com (for magnificent jewelry) Take a look at http://www.lkperrella.com for her wonderful treat of a blog. So inspiring !

In a different vein- check out these creative people- http://www.duanekeiser.blogspot.com (he creates a painting a day, and is fantastic)

http://www.postcardfrompuniho.blogspot.com the paintings from New Zealand artist, Paul Hutchison....wow

also, I love to check in on http://www.acollageaday.blogspot.com for some fun-- his tiny collages sell like hotcakes, too - 25. each ! They measure 4 x 4 inches!

I hope these links work! I feel like a stoneage blogger here with my limited computer savvy...

All of these sights are definately more "polished" and sophisticated, I guess they have had them designed by pros.... They have links everywhere, and have images that scroll and change ! Really fun to see !!

Thanks to my sis, Big Linnie, for again making me get outside my comfort zone and try some new stuff that I found really fun and exciting..... (It's 4:15 in the am, and I've been at this for about an hour and a half)


JUST ME said...

You are rockin girl and very talented..... Love all your posts and your paintings around the edge of the room. Looks like you had fun fun fun with your friend.... I want to be a woman of leisure toooooooooo!

Angelica Torrez

JUST ME said...

oooops I think it goes like this instead LADY of Leisure.....
