Monday, January 07, 2008

Our "youngest" hits the big THREE-O (OH, NO!)

Well, Our last "baby" is now officially out of her 20's, and making us really feel old.

This was a fun weekend, hosting one of our daughter's friends, Magnus, who is an Architectural student from Norway. Tracey has kept in contact with him since they met last year in Llasa, Tibet, where Tracey was touring and Magnus was with a group of students studying the architecture of Tibet.

Magnus, and his friend, Guro, on a road trip traveling the U.S., stopped by for awhile in St. Louis. Guro, who was delightfully charming, works in Norway booking concerts and events, and was looking to find contacts here in the states, to do some work here, as well.

We had so much fun getting to know them, and learning about their culture. Both spoke English very well, taking classes in school in English since the third grade.

Being interested in architecture, Magnus was enthused to see and go up into the Arch. The three took in the Body Works Exhibit at the Science Center, as well as hitting a few of the local wine and jazz bars.

On Sunday, they helped us celebrate Tracey's birthday, with our traditional family dinner. It was great to have them be a part of the fun !

Now, they are "off" again, this time south to Nashville, and then Memphis, (Guro has an appointment to meet with some music promoters in Nashville), and then Texas, and a few more stops, and then off to California, where they will travel up to coast. Tracey traveled with them to Nashville and Memphis, and then she will return home by bus on Wednesday.

They have also included Minnesota and Chicago in their travels here, so they have seen quite a lot of America..

We enjoyed having you stay with us, and it was fun getting to visit with you both. ----

If you would like to follow their travels, they have a laptop with them, and make almost daily entries on their blog, which is:

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