Friday, December 14, 2007

click on image to enlarge

What a day of fun, and work.....

We started a NEW TRADITION today.... (I don't think I've made an actual "Christmas Cookie" for 6 or 7 years) MAKING CHRISTMAS COOKIES TO GIVE !!- My oven has not been reliable for years, and it's too frustrating to figure out the temperature... B U T---- This year, with the new oven, I CAN B A K E ----YAY !!

Well, this year we started our new tradition at my sister's house (her kitchen is WAY bigger than mine) and we really had a time of it I brought ingredients for 3 varieties, and she did 3 too..... We cranked up the oven at 9:00 in the morning, and finished packing all the boxes by 10:30 at night. ( I still had a 1/2 hour drive home, ha!)

We laughed until our stomachs hurt, reliving old memories of things our mother "used to say"- She was a hoot, with funny expressions and little sayings that I think she made up !! TOO FUNNY.. Anyhoo, it was so much fun, and PRODUCTIVE, too....... Here's to you, my loving sis, I love you !!

Our list of goodies included:

Oatmeal Scotchies

Chocolate Chip

Pecan Puffs

Old fashioned sugar cookies

Peppermint Bark

Macaroons (new recipe)

PeanutButter Delights (thanks Jen Martin)


lindaharre said...

I love precious sister:D

Brad Haynes said...

My package of goodies never arrived in the mail. Should I blame the Santa Fe Post Office???