Sunday, November 25, 2007

getting back to work!

I haven't had much time lately, but I have spent a little time working on all three of these. I like to have a few going, and at different stages, that way I can skip back and forth, and give them a bit of time to dry in between..... fun !

Mostly, it's about FOOTBALL- lately.

Friday- Mehlville played at the Dome for the State Championship (they lost, boo hoo)

Saturday- Missouri vs. Kansas, of course, we made a big deal of watching the game on the new tv with my sis, Rog, and Jeff and Arica

Sunday- Rams vs. Seattle- COOOLLLLDDDD tailgate, and frozen toes, walking to the game- the Rams did not play much better than earlier in the year, and LOST again...

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