Last evening was Mehlville School Districts Recognition Night, where Educators, and all personnel are honored for years of service, and each of the many schools awards their, "Teacher of the Year" award. Jessica Riddle, a Mehlville High School art teacher, and my co-worker for years, and well as a former student of mine, was given that honor by her colleagues. I wanted to attend to give her my support and praise....
I felt like I had never left, and enjoyed the company of my very best buddies. We always had such fun together, and it was good to be a part of the group.
Mehlville has Six full time art teachers, with an outstanding teaching staff. The work that their students produce is fabulous. I always felt priviledged to be part of that elite teaching staff....
Here we are, with Vince Viviano, the head principal after the festivities...
Congratulations, Jessica ! We're all proud of you !
Cute pics and a cute jacket!!! You look smashing:D Love you....
Thanks Sandy for coming. I really do miss talking with you every day. So I listen very carefully and I can still hear your words of wisdom echoing in my head. Not to mention all of the LAUGHTER! We had great times. Love ya! Jessica
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