Saturday, October 27, 2007

My sis and I attended the touring show of So You Think You Can Dance last evening.... IT WAS F A N T A S T I C-- We loved it !!

I faithfully watched the show each and every week ( taping when I couldn't watch for some reason) and then when on tape, I proceeded to watch my favorite routines Over and Ovcr again..... Can't help it, I LOVE IT>>>

Anywho, the show was out of this world- we sat in the 3rd row, close to the stage, where we could see the expressions on the dancers faces... It was wonderful, even better than last year at the Fox when we sat in row 19 !! The dancers were much BETTER by in large, this year. Any of the dancers in the top 4 or 6 could have been considered "the best" but, SABRA was officially the winner, getting more votes from viewers than any other dancer..... Personally I didn't have a favorite, only special dances that I will still continue to watch again and again, AND dance with my grandbaby to (she and I waltz around the bedroom and listen to the music and watch) tee hee.......

We didn't bring cameras, good thing, too, cause they said at the start "no flash" photography...... It probably wouldn't have taken without the flash !


lindaharre said...

Yes.....It was FANTASTIC!!!! Somehow I envision myself doing the dance as I watch.....feeling so young and free! I once read that you actually use the same muscles as the dancers (in much smaller amounts) while involved in watching dance! I don't know if that is really true, but I was exhausted at the end of the performance.....LOL (laughing out loud). Love you.......

Sandy Graeser Haynes said...

We can only HOPE---
If that were true, maybe we can watch people exercise, and we'll lose weight ... HA !