Thursday, July 12, 2007


Tracey left for California today. It was so fun getting to have her here for these
5 months. It's a joy that most mom's don't get to have. We really got to spend
lots of quality time doing some very fun stuff together. Besides the trip to
Mexico, we went to art shows, and concerts, and ballgames, and out for brunch,
lunch, dinner, and just for coffee. We sewed together, and cooked, and even
painted, and just hung out. Buff, I love you so, and the house seems so quiet
tonight..... I miss you, and will cherish this time we had together.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post! Great pictures! You all look so happy! I know that sewing with someone else is probably much better then sewing by your self.You most likely had a wonderful time.
Great post!