Sunday, October 08, 2006

Portrait study, day 1

New portrait, day 1:
This is mainly glazes so far.... It's hard to find the exact look, do you want muted, or contrasted values?? I'm still not sure which.... If you only use glazes, it seems soft, but then again, I'm so used to having definate darks and lights that I can't seem to give up the high contrast.. which do you think is best??


lindaharre said...

She is VERY NICE!!!! Glad to see all this work and on you blog.....WOW! Love you, L.:-D

number four said...

ummm - I think I light the subdued one better (though the contrasty version is beautiful, too) since her skin tone & the scarf color blend nicely together. I think I'd like to see the background be darker, or something. Beautiful job, mama.