Friday, July 07, 2006

Collage Packets

The Collage Paper Packets are 9 x 12 inches, and sell for 20. plus 4.05 for shipping and handling.
Right now My method for selling is -email me with order and check and your snail mail address and I'll send it directly to you so you can start playing with the paper. If you would like a Free Sample of the wallpapers that are in the pack, send me an email with your address, and I'll get those out to you....
Start Collaging!!!


lindaharre said...

San......I think you need to put these on ebay. I am going to post them on the creative underground and see if there is any response!

lindaharre said...

I posted it on CU. and will let you know if anyone writes me....

Lelainia N. Lloyd said...

HI Just emailed you via your sister and Creative Underground.
