I haven't been blogging, honestly, no lame-o excuses., BUT, My camera somehow "walked away" from my room at school, and I bought a new one. Long story short, (ha!) I haven't been able to post pictures since then- bummer ! The new camera is great, but, the docking station is supposed to let me download from the camera to the computer, and IT WON'T Let Me. !!
My daughter spent at least an hour and a half trying to talk to the tecky guy at Kodak, but still couldn't make it go. Unfortunately, the model was a close-out, and was reduced 80.00, so it was probably the last one they had- don't ya know..... Ah, TECHNOLOGY !
Here are a few of my pages from my altered book, Which is a "Work In Progress" done in an ancient Geometry book from the 20's----GeOMEtrY was the only math I was any good at, because it was more visual-with triangles, angles, and stuff I could make sense of, because I could actually "Look" at it !!! Heaven help us Right Brainers !!