Monday, April 30, 2007

What better way to finish out the weekend, than with GRACE..

Teddy and Diane had us over for dinner, barbequed Chicken, on this lovely Spring afternoon. Seeing Grace puts things into perspective for me.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Kristi's shower was so much fun--(her baby is due the end of May) and she and her hubby have decided NOT to find out the sex of the baby yet.. big surprise, although we all "voted" with our guesses, and it came out a boy !!

Friday, April 27, 2007


Retirement Dinner- 25.00

Thank you gift-37.50

20 year pin- 7.25

Having all your friends give up their evening for YOU,

Priceless !!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

the Piano Man- WOW- WHAT A SHOW -


The Billy Joel Concert,

especially cause it was with my daughter Tracey.....

Pictures wouldn't take, there was too much light on the stage, but boy was it fun, listening, dancing, hollering, jumping, (be careful Sandy, watch that hip !)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Wrong website address, sorry

Sorry everyone.
My other blog should be :
I sent you to some other guys site, good thing it wasn't obscene. ! ha !

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Cleaning out the Studio !!!!

I'm cleaning out my crowded STUDIO !!

In preparation for retirement in a month or so, I've got to get rid of some art !!

There will be postings of the offerings on where you will be able to pick up some artistic bargains !!

I will be offering everything from old paintings, classroom project examples, books I've made with my students over the past 15 years or so, plus lots of ATC's, and other one-of-a-kind goodies....

Heres a few sneak previews.....

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Pictures are coming through, I hope

Here are the pictures from my last post...... It wasn't cooperating, so now hopefully it will !~!!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter pix

Grace is the star of the show !!

Easter Weekend/ K C and baby Grace

We spent a fun weekend in Kansas City with my sis and her hubby, at my nephew and his wife's new "old" house in a great neighborhood called Crestwood, a suburb of K.C.

We shopped and estate saled, while the "boys" played golf in the unseasonably freezing cold weather. We ate, and laughed, and visited, and shopped, with the highlight of the trip a hysterical game of Balderdash that had us all in stitches Sat. Night !!

It was home Sun. morning to get ready for the family to come for a tasty Easter Dinner with darling new baby Grace !!-- Grammy Haynes was able to give Grace her first Easter Basket filled with goodies..... (no chocolate just yet ) but fun toys and clothes, at least !