Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The "2 Days and Nights of Christmas"

click on any picture to enlarge

You've heard of the "12 Days of Christmas", WELL. we have the 2 days and nights of Christmas in our Tradition......

One night of festivities at my sister Linda's house, where all the kids have so much fun eating, sharing the activities of their offspring, and playing the family Christmas game, BUNKO, and the next day, Christmas, celebrated with family, opening gifts, and then the turkey dinner with the group (who ever can make it) again !! So much fun...

Here are some select pictures, although, I missed many good shots, because so much was going on !!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Grace Ann and Santa--(without the Santa)

We were not allowed to take a picture while Gracie was sitting on Santa's lap, but we had lots of fun just watching, and took lots ot pictures of her sitting in line in her stroller, and looking intently at all the activities going on around her.... Such Fun for all -

We weren't quite sure how she would react to a big red, hairy fat man with a fuzzy hat and a furry beard !! She LIKED him! GO FIGURE !!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

To Mary and Angela---and Lin, of course !!

You are the three that leave comments for me, and I'm not sure how to get in touch with Mary....SO- I thought I'd do a blog entry to let you know that your comments mean a lot to me, so THANK YOU !!

I have quite a few stopping by my blog each day, but never leave a word or a comment. For those of us who blog, that is such a wonderful feeling to see that others comment about what you say, think, do, create, or whatever....

If you stop and enjoy, please take a second to log in, and leave me a note, I'D REALLY LOVE IT !!!!-- anyway, thanks to the 3 of you. It makes all the difference knowing someone out there cares ! Thanks, Sandy

Party with my PEEPS---

click on any pic to enlarge
Our First ANNUAL B.F.F party (Best Friends Forever) or whatever you call it, took place yesterday..... We had such fun Eating, Laughing, Playing Bunko, and Exchanging silly and not so silly gifts with one another. It's so much fun to have friends you can be yourself with, and kid around with... The bunko game was a big hit, even if I did have to keep explaining the rules in my "teacher voice" because everyone kept interupting with their own comments and advice-- tee hee-- (teachers are sometimes the WORST listeners, HA !!) Anyhoo, We had a BLAST, and my buddies also got to see my precious grandbaby, Grace, who came over while her parents went to a Christmas Party. ----IT JUST DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS--as my hubby always says.....

Friday, December 14, 2007

click on image to enlarge

What a day of fun, and work.....

We started a NEW TRADITION today.... (I don't think I've made an actual "Christmas Cookie" for 6 or 7 years) MAKING CHRISTMAS COOKIES TO GIVE !!- My oven has not been reliable for years, and it's too frustrating to figure out the temperature... B U T---- This year, with the new oven, I CAN B A K E ----YAY !!

Well, this year we started our new tradition at my sister's house (her kitchen is WAY bigger than mine) and we really had a time of it I brought ingredients for 3 varieties, and she did 3 too..... We cranked up the oven at 9:00 in the morning, and finished packing all the boxes by 10:30 at night. ( I still had a 1/2 hour drive home, ha!)

We laughed until our stomachs hurt, reliving old memories of things our mother "used to say"- She was a hoot, with funny expressions and little sayings that I think she made up !! TOO FUNNY.. Anyhoo, it was so much fun, and PRODUCTIVE, too....... Here's to you, my loving sis, I love you !!

Our list of goodies included:

Oatmeal Scotchies

Chocolate Chip

Pecan Puffs

Old fashioned sugar cookies

Peppermint Bark

Macaroons (new recipe)

PeanutButter Delights (thanks Jen Martin)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Ever since 1988, when I took my very first quilt to be hand-quilted, I've gone to the ladies at Cur Of Ars, and the main quilter that I dealt with was Martine Wirth. Martine, and her ladies have always done an awesome job for me, whether it was hand quilting a large king size, or a petite baby quilt. They are most dedicated, working 3 or 4 days each week in the little upstairs room above the chapel. At times they have even had two different quilt frames being quilted at the same time. Their work is fine, small, straight stitches, with beautiful patterns in the stitches, creating texture to the fabric.

Lately, Martine has been failing, and not looked so healthy. I was so sad to find that she is now at the retirement center across Laclede Station Road from the church, and she has lost all interest in her former pastime, which was quilting.

I'm sure all of your friends miss having you with them to sew, and I certainly miss you, too.

The beauty of your hands is out there for those who have your handiwork on their beds, and in their baby cribs. I will always cherish the beautiful work that all quilters do, to preserve the craft that I think is so valuable. Thanks, Martine !

(That first quilt, from 1988, still rests on my daughter Tracey's bed)

This is the last baby quilt they finished for me. It will be a gift for a new baby, Weston Grabow, the baby of my son's friend Steve, and his wife, Jennifer......

Monday, December 03, 2007

Christmas Bliss

One of my favorite parts of the Christmastime is the lights that glow from the livingroom throughout the house. We have loads of glass, mirrored things, and shiny surfaces. The last thing we see at night it the glow from the tree, which is on a timer, and goes off long after we are asleep- tee hee ......